The World at war. Part 2 [DVD]

United Kingdom, 1981

TV show
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Episode of Series “The World at war”.
Part 8: “Desert: The war in North Africa” The Germans are driven from North Africa but target Italy. Part 9: “Stalingrad” The German Army is defeated at Stalingrad. Part 10: “Wolfpack” Germany attempts to starve Britain by attacking ships bringing supplies from North America. Part 11: “Red Star” The story of Russia’s massive lonely war with its 20,000,000 military and civilian casualties. Part 12: “Whirlwind” The blitz on Britain brings strident public demand for revenge. Part 13: “Tough Old Gut” Winston Churchill describes Italy to Stalin as the “soft underbelly of the crocodile”. It is his arguments that persuade the Americans to join the Allies. Part 14: “It’s a Lovely Day Tomorrow” Monsoonal conditions for five months of every year and disease make the lot of the Burma Army “just another nightmare”. Europeans find jungle conditions alien and the Japanese ability to not only endure but to thrive in the same circumstances helps build a “superman” myth among the Allied soldiers. Part 15: “Homefires” After the defeat in the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe changes the direction of their bombing raids from London to provincial cities. Also available on VHS [301586], [301623], [301621], [301625], [301628].

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Jeremy Isaacs

John Pett

Martin Smith

Philip Whitehead

Ted Childs

production company

Thames Television



Production places
United Kingdom
Production dates

Appears in

The World at war

Group of items

The World at war


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