The World at war. Part 1 [DVD]

United Kingdom, 1980

TV show
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Episode of Series “The World at war”.
Part 1: “A New Germany” Germany, a nation stricken by humiliating defeat and deep economic depression begins to respond to the hopes and promises of regained pride and prosperity under National Socialism. Part 2: “Distant war” Germany invades Poland and bombs Warsaw into submission. Part 3: “France falls” France has the largest of the pre-war European armies and the protection of the heavily fortified Maginot Line. Incredibly, though, the Line did not stretch to the Channel and the German invaders simply skirt the defences and forge south. Part 4: “Alone in Britain” Under the leadership of Winston Churchill, Britain fights on alone. Nearly 350,000 Allied troops have to be rescued from Dunkirk and British morale is never lower. On the brink of defeat, despite the heroism of the RAF in the defeat of the Luftwaffe, Britain is saved only by Hitler’s decision to switch his offensive to Russia. Part 5: “Barbarossa” Germany, now master of all Europe, including the Balkans, turns against Russia. The early stages are composed of devastating German victories as the Panzers sweep with appalling speed deep into Russia. But the German High Command delays, fatally, and the advance is held a few kilometres from Moscow when the mud and then the fierce cold takes a grip. Part 6: “Banzai” Japan, seeking unrestricted access to raw materials she needs for expansion, tires of negotiations and strikes at Pearl Harbour inflicting a severe blow to American naval power. In a few months, Japan demonstrates how ill-prepared the Allies are, sweeping forward to capture Hong Kong, Burma, Malaya, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines. Part 7: “On Our Way” The conflicts in Europe and the Pacific are two separate wars. Many Americans are content to forget about Hitler and Europe and concentrate their war efforts on the Japanese. President Roosevelt is committed to the fight against Hitler but Congress is not. Inexplicably Hitler declares war on America, thus relieving Roosevelt of a difficult decision and, ultimately, altering the course of the war. Also available on VHS [301584], [301607], [301552].

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In ACMI's collection



David Elstein

Hugh Raggett


David Elstein

production company

Thames Television



Production places
United Kingdom
Production dates

Appears in

The World at war

Group of items

The World at war


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