
United States, 1956

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Classic film from the play by Marcelle Maurette, adapted by Guy Bolton and screenplay by Arthur Laurents. The story is based on a factual account of the mystery that surrounded the Russian princess Anastasia, youngest daughter of Tzar Nicholas II, who along with her family was imprisoned and shot after the 1917 revolution. Or was she shot? Did Anastasia in fact live on? The scene is Paris in 1928 during the time of Russian Easter. A destitute and suicidal woman suffering from amnesia who remarkably resembles Princess Anastasia (Ingrid Bergman) is rescued by exiled Russian General Bounine (Yul Brynner). The suave, but forceful General, conspires to pass this woman off as the long-lost daughter of the Tzar for the sole purpose of benefiting from the Princess’s ten million pound inheritance. But there are many who remain sceptical, not least of all the Russian Grand Duchess (Helen Hayes), grandmother of the real Anastasia. An intriguing plot played out superbly by Bergman and Brynner but also made all the more intriguing following Bergman’s own Hollywood comeback from exile in Europe after her affair with Italian director, Roberto Rossellini. (Awards: Academy Awards, 1957, Ingrid Bergman for Best Actress in a Leading Role; Golden Globes, 1957, Ingrid Bergman for Best Motion Picture Actress - Drama)

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Anatole Litvak


Buddy Adler

production company

Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation



Production places
United States
Production dates


69 times

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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