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Sam Raimi (famed for his iconic horror work in Darkman and Evil Dead) delivers - “Spider-man”, adapted from the Marvel Comics book character, is a canny mix of entertaining CG imagery, exhilarating action sequences, and a humanistic portrayal of the man behind the mask. Initially Spider-man aka Peter Parker is an awkward teenager with a smattering of friends and a serious crush on his spunky neighbour Mary Jane. After being bitten by a spider, Parker, much to his dismay, develops super-human reflexes, the ability to project powerful webs, and the knack for climbing walls. Upon experiencing some harsh life lessons, Parker becomes aware of the responsibility attendant with his awesome capabilities. The story also follows the romancing of Mary Jane as she finds her feet in Manhattan and dates Parker’s best friend and roommate Harry Osborne. Raimi achieves impact with this film on an emotional level that has been sorely lacking from so many comic book adaptations. He does this by imparting Parker with problems that an audience can relate to - thwarted love, disappointment, guilt and grief - woes that Spider-man’s phenomenal strengths cannot combat. Maguire imbues the title role with sensitivity and gravitas, whilst character actor Willem Dafoe ably plays a dual role of Norman Osborn, and Parker’s arch-nemesis, the Green Goblin.
Content notification
Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
Learn more about our collection and our collection policy here. If you come across harmful content on our website that you would like to report, let us know.
How to watch
In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Audience classification
M (15+)
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Comic strip characters in motion pictures
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Motion picture trailers
Crafts & Visual Arts → Cartoon characters
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Crime
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Teenagers
Family, Gender Identity, Relationships & Sexuality → Teenagers
Feature films → Feature films - United States
Food, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology & Safety → Teenagers
DVD; Access Print (Section 1)