Episode number 2 of Series “Prisoner [Cell block H]”.
Ep. 550 (dir. Steve Mann, wri. Fay Rousseaux): Prisoners and guards find themselves banded together when Wentworth is taken over by terrorists hired to release Bellinger. Police try to negotiate amidst the claim that hostages will be executed on the hour unless their demands are met. “Ep. 551” (dir. Chris Adshead, wri. James Simmonds): The women look to Top Dog Myra Desmond (Anne Phelan) for a plan but it eventuates that she is to choose the next victim. Bellinger learns she is to be taken out if they cannot escape and Reynolds calls in Special Operations when she learns of the ultimatum. “Ep. 552” (dir. Chris Adshead, wri. Coral Drouyn): Julie makes it to the phone and someone else is killed on the hour. The Freak is taken hostage as the terrorists make their escape. The women come to terms with their losses once the terrorists have departed. “Ep. 536” (dir. Sean Nash, wri. Coral Drouyn): This bonus episode features flashbacks from previous episodes - Chrissie Latham’s attack on Frank, reminiscences of Warden Vera, The Freak plying Lizzie with liquor for information, Bea Smith coming down on Lyn Warner (Kerry Armstrong) then Max, and her final showdown with The Freak. PLEASE NOTE: date recorded is copyright year and usually preceeds the screening year.
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ACMI Identifier
Audience classification
M (15+)
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television programs
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television programs - Australia
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television serials - Australia
Courtroom, Crime, Espionage & Thrillers
Courtroom, Crime, Espionage & Thrillers → Prison films
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prison violence
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prison wardens
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisoners
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisons
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisons - Australia
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Women prisoners
Television → Television programs
Television → Television programs → Television programs - Australia
Television → Television serials → Television serials - Australia
DVD; Access Print (Section 1)