Popular idols of the rock music scene - The Rolling Stones, The Stampeders, Whiskey Howl, Alice Cooper, Muddy Waters - are seen and heard in this film. It is a penetrating look at the whole pop music sub-culture and what keeps it alive, filmed in Canada, on and off-stage, and behind the scenes at record companies, radio broadcasting studios, and board rooms where hucksters plan the sales campaigns. The film includes personal interviews in which some of the stars explain what it’s all about and features Alice Cooper hacking a doll to pieces on stage. Obscene language has been bleeped out.
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ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Popular culture
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Sound - Recording and reproducing
Documentary → Documentary films - Canada
Music & Performing Arts → Alice Cooper (Musical Group)
Music & Performing Arts → Bands (Music)
Music & Performing Arts → Muddy Waters (Musical Group)
Music & Performing Arts → Music
Music & Performing Arts → Music - 20th century - Philosophy and aesthetics
Music & Performing Arts → Music - History and criticism
Music & Performing Arts → Popular culture
Music & Performing Arts → Popular music
Music & Performing Arts → Rock music - History and criticism
Music & Performing Arts → Rock musicians
Music & Performing Arts → Rolling Stones (Musical group)
Music & Performing Arts → Sound - Recording and reproducing
People → Alice Cooper (Musical Group)
People → Muddy Waters (Musical Group)
People → Rolling Stones (Musical group)
16mm film; Access Print (Section 1)