Based on the Broadway musical production of James Barrie’s classic children’s story, this made for television version of ‘Peter Pan’ stars Mary Martin, who also played the lead role in the stage play. Forty-seven years old at the time, Martin is nevertheless convincing as Peter Pan, the little boy that won’t grow up who whisks the Darling children out of their London nursery and off to Never Never Land. Song highlights include: “I’ve Gotta Crow,” “I’m Flying,” “I Won’t Grow Up,” “Neverland,” Ugg-a-Wugg” and “Hook’s Waltz.
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Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
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How to watch
In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Audience classification
Subject categories
Childrens Films → Children's films - United States
Family, Gender Identity, Relationships & Sexuality → Aging
Fantasy & Science Fiction → Fantasy
Feature films → Feature films - United States
Food, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology & Safety → Aging
Literature → Children's literature - Film and video adaptations
Literature → Fairy tales - Film and video adaptations
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)