The full title of Lola as it appears on the screen is “Lola BRD 3” (Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3), which identifies the film as the third of the trilogy begun by “The Marriage of Maria Braun” and then “Veronika Voss”. This variation on Josef von Sternberg’s “The Blue Angel”, set in Bavaria of the 1950s, tells the story of a nightclub hostess who seduces a pillar of the local community. However this is more than simply an expose of small-town hypocrisy and double standards: Fassbinder makes it abundantly clear that his target is the moral shabbiness of the Adenauer period as a whole, and ruthlessly lays bare the dubious foundations of the entire, much vaunted, ‘German economic miracle’. His bizarrely ironic visual style, with its highly formalised colour schemes and curious transitions has to be seen to be believed. In German with English subtitles.
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In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Audience classification
M (15+)
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Foreign language films
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)