The New order

Australia, 1992

TV show
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Episode of Series “Riding the tiger”.
Riding the Tiger Series. In this episode we trace the struggle between the military, the communists and the rich landed Muslim gentry to control the economy of the newly-formed nation. In 1965 the tensions between the various factions exploded: President Sukarno was replaced by military general Suharto and half a million communists and “communist sympathisers” were executed. Since 1965 the military has developed a one-party dictatorship which actively encourages its civilians to allow the dictates of business (both local and foreign) to take precedence over all other aspects of life. The last part of the video examines the conflict between Indonesia’s economic growth and its governments’ consistent human rights abuses.

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Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.

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How to watch

This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Curtis Levy


Christine Olsen

production company

Olsen Levy




Production places
Production dates

Appears in

Riding the tiger

Group of items

Riding the tiger


Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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