Beautifully animated film which concerns itself with the lifestyle of people who lived in an age that is now past. A rocking chair, lovingly crafted from the trunk of a tall tree, is used as a linking device between generations, to show the cycle of life in a farming community in Quebec, Canada, in the nineteenth century to a museum of modern art in the twentieth century. Awards: Best animated short, Academy Awards 1981. Suitable for middle and upper primary levels.
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Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
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How to watch
In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Agriculture, Business, Commerce & Industry → Farm life - Canada
Animation → Animated films - Canada
Anthropology, Ethnology, Exploration & Travel → Canada - Social life and customs
Anthropology, Ethnology, Exploration & Travel → Quebec (Province)
Childrens Films → Children 6-12
Childrens Films → Children's films - Canada
16mm film; Access Print (Section 1)
16mm film; Preservation Print (Section 5)