Episode of Series “21st Century”.
Discusses the serious changes in the ecology if many environments caused by industrial pollution, taking Lake Erie as an example. Oil, silt, sewage and various industrial wastes and pesticides have destroyed most of the lake’s fish. Also considers the effects of water and air pollution, including such problems as the “Greenhouse effect” from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is influencing climate and the radioactive contamination arising from disposal of nuclear waste.
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Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
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Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Agriculture, Business, Commerce & Industry → Pesticides
Climate, Environment, Natural Resources & Disasters → Conservation of natural resources
Climate, Environment, Natural Resources & Disasters → Pesticides
Climate, Environment, Natural Resources & Disasters → Pesticides - Environmental aspects
Climate, Environment, Natural Resources & Disasters → Pollution
Climate, Environment, Natural Resources & Disasters → Pollution - United States
Communications, Infrastructure, & Transport → Sewage
Communications, Infrastructure, & Transport → Sewage disposal
Documentary → Documentary films - United States
Television → Television programs
Television → Television programs → Television programs - United States
16mm film; Access Print (Section 1)
16mm film; Preservation Print (Section 5)
16mm film; Limited Access Print (Section 2)