This collection of films has been generously donated by the Benalla Historical Society. The collection features moments in Benalla’s history and surrounding areas, including visits by the Governor of Victoria Sir Rohan Delacombe, ceremonies revealing various commemorative plaques, and the return of Ned Kelly’s cumberbund, thought to have been lost.
This film shows proceedings and ceremonies of the Proclamation of Benalla, and the 1965 Miss City of Benalla beauty contest. It features interesting shots of fashion and cars and formal proceedings.
Selected Highlights List (time codes from Access Overscan)
00:00:13:00 Unknown VIP arrives in a Rolls Royce, greeted by the Mayor, most likely at the Town Hall. Many members of the general public have gathered.
00:01:11:00 The VIP addresses the crowds gathered
00:02:00:00 Formal proceedings take place inside; great shot of four older woman featuring fashion of the time
00:02:16:00 Cuts to outdoors on an oval; a brass band and assembly of school children of varying ages have gathered; VIP riding in the back of a jeep to greet the students
00:03:32:00 The VIP officially opens the Benalla and District Memorial Hospital
00:03:54:00 Cuts to an upward view of a chandelier; the beginnings of Miss City of Benalla beauty contest; great examples of glamour fashion
00:05:34:00 And the winner is number 16
00:06:17:00 Dancing at a ball
Content notification
Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
Learn more about our collection and our collection policy here. If you come across harmful content on our website that you would like to report, let us know.
How to watch
This work has been digitised and can be viewed in the display above.
In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
No spoken word
Subject categories
Agriculture, Business, Commerce & Industry → Fashion - Australia
Communications, Infrastructure, & Transport → Antique and classic cars
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Beauty contests
Family, Gender Identity, Relationships & Sexuality → Feminine beauty (Aesthetics)
Food, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology & Safety → Hospitals - Australia
Hobbies, Recreation & Sport → Ballroom dancing
Hobbies, Recreation & Sport → Beauty contests
Music & Performing Arts → Brass bands
Music & Performing Arts → Dancing - Australia
Black and White
MOV file ProRes4444; Digital Preservation Master - overscan
MOV file ProRes4444; Digital Preservation Master - presentation
MPEG-4 Digital File; ACMI Digital Access Copy - overscan
MPEG-4 Digital File; ACMI Digital Access Copy - presentation
MPEG-4 Digital File; ACMI External Digital Access Copy