L'alibi = the Alibi

France, 1937

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A Parisian dance hostess, blackmailed into providing an alibi for a murderer falls in love with a secret police agent sent to win her trust. Other thrillers of the period were as sharply directed and written, but few had the inestimable advantage of the sparks between Stroheim’s killer and Jouvet’s police chief. ‘L’alibi’ is stylistically and thematically the closest of his [Chenal] films to the work of Carne and Prevert, he all but abandoned his habitual moving camera, while multiplying (studio shot) expressionistic effects of lighting and composition. Chenal has the dubious distinction of being the major filmmaker of the decade (1930s) most thoroughly forgotten by the film community after WWII for reason from which prejudice may not, perhaps, be excluded.” Reference: Alan Williams. “Republic of Images: a history of French filmmaking”. Harvard University Press, 1992.

Credits: Producer, Joseph Nash ; director, Pierre Chenal ; writers, Marcel Achard, Jacques Companeez, H. Juttke ; photography, Ted Pahle ; music, Georges Auric.
Cast: Louis Jouvet, Erich von Stroheim, Albert Prejean, Jany Holt, Margo Lion, Max Dalban, Maurice Bacquet, Roger Blin, Florence Marly, Margo Lion.

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Pierre Chenal


Joseph Nash



Production places
Production dates

Collection metadata

ACMI Identifier





Subject category

Foreign language films




Black and White


16mm film; Limited Access Print (Section 2)

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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