Ferdinand (aka Pierrot), dissatisfied with his Parisian life and his wife sets off to a picaresque journey across France to the South with Marianne. Along the way, they get involved with her brother and his criminal activities. Godard’s stunning study of personal and global violence uses colour in a dramatic and symbolic manner. In many ways it is a watershed film in which Godard calls his whole work in the cinema into question. It is also a summation of his work to this time, an unclassifiable film of disorientingly abrupt changes of mood combining the diary form with pulp fiction and romantic tragedy, experimentation in narration with filmed essay all heavily laden with cultural and political references. As American director Sam Fuller reflects in the picture, ‘Film is like a battleground, love, hate, action, violence, death … in one word, Emotion.’
Credits: Producer, Georges de Beauregard ; director, Jean-Luc Godard ; writer, Jean-Luc Godard ; photography, Raoul Coutard ; music, Antoine Duhamel.
Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Jean-Pierre Leaud, Dirk Sanders, Hans Meyer, Raymond Devos, Samuel Fuller.
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ACMI Identifier
Subject category
Foreign language films
16mm film; Limited Access Print (Section 2)