This humourous 2D hand-drawn animation is also a hard-luck story of a man locked in a fortified jail in the middle of the ocean. He receives instructions on how to escape and sets about to dig himself out. Bearing a strong resemblance to the animated character, Mr. Garrison from Southpark, the prisoner crawls through his tunnel to find he’s landed on a deserted and barren island and is no better off, a possible play on the plot-line of Pappillon.
Content notification
Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
Learn more about our collection and our collection policy here. If you come across harmful content on our website that you would like to report, let us know.
In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Audience classification
ACMI classified
Subject categories
Amateur & Student Films → Student films - Australia
Animation → Animated films - Australia
Animation → Computer animation → 2-D computer animation
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisoners
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisons
Crime, Espionage, Justice, Police & Prisons → Prisons - Australia
Digital Betacam [PAL]; Sub-master
SP Betacam; Master
VHS [PAL]; Reference - timecoded
MPEG-4 Digital File; ACMI Digital Access Copy - overscan
MOV file ProRes4444; Digital Preservation Master - overscan