Join ACMI staff as they provide a sneak peek into our new museum.
ACMI is the world’s most visited moving image museum, with almost 15 million people visiting since we opened our doors in 2002. Thanks to investment by the Victorian Government and independent partners the museum is currently in a process of renewal, with a redesigned building and new permanent exhibition due to open soon.
Join the ACMI team at MPavillion as they explore what it means to reimagine the museum for the 21st Century.
2.30–3pm: The Story of the Moving Image
Curators Sarah Tutton, Chelsey O’Brien, Eugenia Flynn and Jim Fishwick from ACMI’s new permanent exhibition discuss the processes and considerations in telling the many stories of the moving image, including some of their highlights and favourite moments.
3–3.30pm: Curating, Collecting and Preserving Videogames
A curator, a conservator and a community programmer discuss considerations that go into exhibiting and collecting videogames, and the unique challenges these present. Speaking will be Arieh Offman, Candice Cranmer and Caitlin Cronin.
3.30–4pm: Interpretation for a New Museum
Join ACMI’s writers and editors as they explore how using new technology and long-form content helps approach museum labels in an innovative way. Speaking will be Matt Millikan and Maria Lewis.