Fri 20 Jan - Sun 29 Jan 2023
See below for additional related events
Astro Boy does battle with arch-villain Atlas, venturing into emotional terrain of unexpected depth along the way.
Throughout his adventures, Astro Boy encounters one robot time and time again: Atlas!
Whereas Astro was built with human emotion, compassion and a sense of justice, Atlas was built with the mysterious omega factor which gives him maximum power and a rebellious streak. Now, he wants to end humanity, either teaming up with Astro to do so or by destroying him in the process.
Across four episodes selected from the 1980 television series, the Atlas saga unfolds. Disarmingly emotional, the story takes viewers to unexpected places and feelings while reinforcing the theme underpinning the whole series: no robot is truly bad, and there is goodness in us all.
1pm: The Crystal of the Desert
1.30pm: The Runaway Subway Train
1.50pm: The Anti-Proton Gun
2.15pm: Atlas Forever
2.35pm: Event concludes

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