A two-day symposium exploring the future of arts, culture, and technology in Australia – and the mindsets, capabilities and skills we need to get there.
Watch 13 recorded talks from the symposium here.
This program is aimed at cultural leaders, policy makers, practitioners and those wanting to understand how we make the most of the possible future trajectories of technology in the arts.
You will hear from artists and creators, senior cultural leaders, experienced creative technologists, academics and researchers from across the arts in a mix of presentation formats and panel discussions.
Hosted at ACMI, this symposium draws on the success of the multi-art form CEO Digital Mentoring program which ran throughout 2021 and 2022, and asks how those lessons might benefit the whole of the arts and culture.
Speakers include:
- Jane Finnis (Director, Culture24, UK)
- Victoria Ivanova (R&D Strategic Lead, Serpentine Galleries, UK)
- Sam Lavigne (artist & educator, USA)
- Tega Brain (artist & environmental engineer, USA)
- Mimi Ọnụọha (artist, USA)
- Liam Young (designer, director, producer, USA)
- Cory Doctorow (science fiction author, activist and journalist, Canada)
- Professor Rebecca Giblin (ARC Future Fellow, Professor at Melbourne Law School, and the Director of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia)
- Esther Anatolitis (Editor of Meanjin, arts advocate)
- Professor Larissa Hjorth (School of Media & Communication, RMIT)
- Professor Dan Hill (Director, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne)
- Professor Jean Burgess, Professor of Digital Media, Digital Media Research Centre, QUT
- Dr Indigo Holcombe-James (ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, RMIT)
- Anne Dunn (Executive Director, Sydney Theatre Company)
- Kath Mainland (Chief Executive, Adelaide Festival)
- Tim Stitz (Executive Producer & Co-CEO, Back to Back Theatre)
- Katrina Sedgwick (Director & CEO at Melbourne Arts Precinct Corporation)
- Joel Sherwood Spring (independent artist)
- Seb Chan (Director & CEO, ACMI)
- Keri Elmsly (Executive Director of Programming, ACMI)
- Lucie Paterson (Head of Experience Product & Digital, ACMI)
- Dr Sarah Barns (independent artist-researcher, ESEM Projects)
- Paul Callaghan (Head of Games & Interactive, VicScreen)
- Jamie Lewis (CEO/Executive Director, Next Wave Festival)
- Ana Tiquia (artist, future strategist & Director, All Tomorrow's Futures)
- Stuart Buchanan (Head of Digital Programming, Sydney Opera House)
- Paula Bray (Head of Digital Engagement & Insight, Australian National Maritime Museum)
- Morgan Strong (Digital Transformation Manager, QAGOMA)
- Teina Herzer (Executive Director, National Digital Forum, NZ)
- Claire Evans (Director, Junior Major)
- Dr Bobby Cerini (Deputy Director and General Manager of Science and Learning, Questacon)
- Dr Keir Winesmith (Chief Digital Officer, National Film and Sound Archive)
- Penny Whitehead (Deputy Director Development and Commercial Operations, Geelong Gallery)
- Sejul Malde (Strategic Research Development Manager, Australian National University)
- Fiona Tuomy (Artistic Director, The Other Film Festival & Manager, Digital Innovation, Arts Access Victoria)
Many more speakers and full program to be announced soon.
Day 1 closes with an add-on public event with Cory Doctorow (CA), Rebecca Giblin and Esther Anatolitis in conversation. Tickets for this are purchased separately with a discount. Day two closes with a reception at ACCA and a viewing of the Data Relations exhibition.