When animals go bad! Explore two of the quirkiest and freshest webseries and videogames in this month's Audience Lab.
Cult of the Lamb (Massive Monster)
This videogame casts you in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay your debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland worshippers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.
Sessions from 12–4pm.
About Massive Monster
Massive Monster is an independent game development studio, creating games bursting with creativity and with a core focus on personality and play. They strive to squeeze every last juicy drop of fun and ingenuity out of every one of their monstrous creations.
The Emu War (Hot Dad Productions)
In this new seven part comedy webseries, watch an absurd take on the unbelievable true story of Australia’s war with the native emu (and how the humans were defeated).
Sessions at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm.
The Emu War is an Unclassified 15+ Event and may contain nudity, crude humour, violence and coarse language.
About Hot Dad Productions
Hot Dad Productions specialises in comedy writing and production for film, television, webseries and branded content.
ACMI + RMIT Audience Lab
Bringing together game developers, filmmakers, moving image artists, tech wizards and individual creators who want your feedback on their projects. From augmented and virtual reality to videogames and video art, each month there is something exciting for you to test out and discover at ACMI.

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