Third Artbank + ACMI Commission winners announced
Marlene Rubuntja and Sally Mnangala Mulda
ACMI in partnership with Artbank proudly announces Mparntwe (Alice Springs) Arrernte and Southern Luritja artist Sally M Nangala Mulda and Arrernte and Western Arrarnta artist Marlene Rubuntja as joint recipients of the third $70,000 Artbank + ACMI Commission for their proposed new animation Two Girls.
Two Girls will tell the intertwining stories of Sally and Marlene, both renowned Town Camp artists, who shared their childhood at the Amoonguna Settlement in the Northern Territory and remained in contact to the present day. Their work will chronicle the artists’ successes and struggles, showcasing the reality of life for Indigenous Australians in Central Australia, ultimately celebrating their enduring friendship.
About the Artbank + ACMI Commission
The Artbank + ACMI Commission provides support for Australian artists and filmmakers to make a new, ambitious and experimental screen-based work, and to explore new forms and methodologies in their practice. The commission supports the creation of new Australian work. Each year, over a total of three years, one artist or filmmaker will be awarded $70,000 and an ACMI X industry membership.
Targeting the intersection of art and film, the commission is designed to engage with cinema, experimental film, artists’ film and the avant-garde to create ambitious, experimental works which can find a home on the cinema screen or in the gallery space.
Works commissioned through the Artbank + ACMI Commission will enter into the Artbank and ACMI collections.
Past recipients
About Artbank
Established in 1980, Artbank’s two core objectives are to support Australian contemporary artists through the acquisition of their work and to promote the value of Australian contemporary art to the broader public. Visit website