The world of Little J and Big Cuz learning resource
Explore story, place and character
Year levels: F - 3
Learning areas: English, Media Arts, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Personal and Social Capability
I love that it’s about two Indigenous kids and we are watching their adventures and them growing up in the world and that they are being taught what it means to be on country. And this show shows the diversity of what country means.
About Little J and Big Cuz
Little J and Big Cuz live with their Nanna and their pet Old Dog, and have lots of friends. They are ordinary kids who go to school, learn new things and have heaps of fun.
Much of the action takes place at home, in the backyard and at school. Sometimes the characters leave this everyday world and go on adventures to Saltwater, Desert or Freshwater Country where they find out about culture, community and country.
Little J and Big Cuz is the first Indigenous animated series broadcast on Australian television, and engages with themes and stories relating to friendship, family and community.
- Download the outstanding press kit to explore characters and find out about the creative team.
- You can watch all episodes from seasons 1 and 2 here.
- Visit the website to discover more curriculum-focused resources.
- Read the blog post by director Tony Thorne.
About the resource
This resource looks at two separate episodes from the series: 'Wombat Rex' and 'Big Plans'. Each of these stories works effectively as a stand-alone narrative and does not require familiarity with the series. If students do know the show, they will love exploring it with others. The questions and activities provided build screen literacy and encourage students to think more deeply about what they see and learn in each episode.
Setting the scene
Acknowledgement of country
- Have you ever done or heard an acknowledgement of Country?
- Do you know what is meant by Country? (Teachers, here is a helpful article for you to refer to.)
- What do you think it means to care for Country?
- What could you do to help care for Country?
- What about the Country/land your school is on? Ask your teachers to invite an Elder from your community to share their stories about Country with you. (Teachers, if you are in Victoria, you can contact VAEAI to link up with your Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. And check out this helpful resource.)
Find out about the show
Watch the trailer for Little J and Big Cuz below:
What we noticed
- As a class make a list of everything you noticed in the trailer. (You might like to watch it a second time and check how much you noticed and were able to remember.)
A trailer makes us curious so we want to watch the show.
In pairs, discuss:
- What are you curious about?
- What would you like to learn more about?
Country and culture: Wombat Rex
Introducing the episode
Look carefully at this screen shot from Little J and Big Cuz.
This image comes from an episode called Wombat Rex. Rex means 'king'.'
In pairs, discuss:
- What do you see? I see ........
- What do you think about that? I think that ........
- What does it make you wonder? I wonder .......
- Share your ideas with the rest of the group.
Discuss as a class:
- What do you think the story might be about?
Now watch the episode!
Note: Wombat Rex is also available in Pitjantjatjara.
After watching the show
Your response
As a class, share your responses to the show:
- Use describing words: was it funny, surprising, interesting?
- How did the show make you feel? Why?
In pairs, discuss:
- What happens in the story?
- Which moment or event stood out?
- Which part of the story is your favourite?
- What new things did you learn?
- What did you learn about the giant wombat?
- Were any parts of the story similar to your own experiences?
Some words used in this story include: yarn, the dreaming, megafauna and fossils.
- Find out what these and any other unfamiliar words mean.
Challenge activity
- Working in pairs, cut out the images in the Story Worksheet and arrange in story order.
In pairs, discuss:
- What are the different places in the story?
- What is each place like?
- Are they similar or different to the places you go to in your life?
- Draw your favourite place or setting from the episode. Try to use similar colours
Learning about country
Big Cuz says, "Giant wombat needs to stay where he belongs; he's part of country."
In pairs, discuss:
- Were you surprised when Big Cuz, Little J, and Nanna decide to leave the wombat's jawbone in place? Why do they decide to do this?
The stars in the sky
- What does Nanna show the children in the night sky?
- What can you see when you look up at the stars?
Play Little J and Big Cuz games
Play the Going Bush game to decide what belongs on country.
Play and imagination: Big Plans
Introducing the episode
Look carefully at this screen shot from Little J and Big Cuz.
This image comes from an episode called 'Big Plans'.
In pairs, discuss:
- What do you see? I see ........
- What do you think about that? I think that ........
- What does it make you wonder? I wonder .......
- Share your ideas with the rest of the group and with your class.
Now watch the episode!
After watching the show
As a class, share your responses to the show:
- How did the episode make you feel? Why?
In pairs, discuss:
- What happens in the story?
- Which moment or event stood out?
- What new things did you learn?
- Were any parts of the story similar to your own experiences?
Friendship and Fun
In this episode we see Little J being left out.
As a class, discuss:
- How did this make Little J feel?
- How does Nanna help Little J?
- How does Little J use his imagination to have fun?
- How do you use your imagination to have fun? What special games do you play using your imagination?
Look carefully at the screen shot (above) and discuss as a class:
- What are the characters thinking and feeling?
- How can you tell? How have the animators communicated the characters' feelings to us?
- Use the character worksheet to describe and draw one of the characters.
(We have provided a word version and a pdf.)
Special Places
In Big Plans, Little J and Big Cuz play and use their creativity and imagination in their backyard and in their bedroom.
- Do you have a special place where you like to play?
- Draw a picture of one of your special places and write next to it some of the things you like to do there.
Little J turns his backyard into an adventure when he imagines he is the host of the TV show Brave J’s Outback Race.
- Use your imagination to turn your classroom or playground into an obstacle course.
- Use the obstacle course worksheet to guide your process.
(We have provided a word version and a pdf.)
Film your obstacle course
- You might like to film someone having a go at your obstacles and create a movie or TV show. Use the filmmaking worksheet to guide your process.
(We have provided a word version and a pdf.)