Learning about character in My Place
Since its publication over 30 years ago, Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins’ picture book My Place has been a favourite in Australian classrooms and homes. The My Place television series adapts this classic book into 26 episodes of children’s television.
By comparing the storytelling and character creation process in the picture book with the screen adaptation of My Place, we develop insights into different story forms and approaches to character design.
In our Book Week workshop, Nadia Wheatley takes us into the world of her imagination and explains how her picture book builds character through just two pages of words and images, while each episode of the TV series has the time to tell a more detailed story.
We're focusing on Sofia from 1968 and looking at how small details shared about Sofia in the My Place book have inspired the cheeky character we see on screen and the mischievous story told in the episode.
Note to teachers
While it is not essential for students to have read all the stories in My Place, knowledge of the book would enrich their experience. If you run out of time to do this, show students the timeline at the beginning of the book. Make sure they understand how the book is structured – moving backwards through time in increments of a decade and that each decade features a different character.
Watch our Book Week webinar
Learning activities
My Place picture book

Sofia 1968
In My Place, Sofia's story is told through words and pictures.
- Let’s think about character design -- What do you learn through the written words and illustrations about Sofia as a character?
- What does the map add to what you know about Sofia?
- What are some of the things you learn about the place where Sofia lives?
- What makes you want to know more about Sofia and her story?
Character and history
Sofia and the other characters in My Place are all fictional, but they help us learn about real historical events.
- What did you learn about Australia in the 1960s through Sofia’s story?
- What would you like to find out more about?
- Think about the time you live in now. Discuss as a class the important historical event or events affecting Australian society at the moment. What would you tell people in the future about the world you live in?
Write your own my place story
- Write a story about yourself and your place. Imagine that people will read it in the future. Your 'my place' story should include details about yourself, where you live, your family and friends, and at least one of the important events you discussed with your classmates. Use the template (below) to help your planning.
My Place TV series

Episode 5: Sofia 1968
- Watch this episode on ABC iView.
- How does Sofia’s behaviour and interactions with others reveal her personality?
- How would you describe Sofia's character in the TV series? Think about how her character is created through costume, hairstyle and acting.
- The story is presented from Sofia's perspective. What are some of the techniques used to let us know what Sofia is thinking and planning?
- How important is comedy and humour in the creation of Sofia's character?
Compare the book and the film
- What elements of Sofia's characterisation and story are similar to the picture book? What are some of the differences?
- Compare the settings of Sofia’s story in the picture book to those in the television series. How does the detailed live action setting of the TV show influence your understanding of her character?
Other characters
- Which other characters stand out in this episode? Choose one of these characters and describe how they are created through costume, hairstyle and acting.
- During this episode, we often get clues about what other characters are thinking and feeling through their acting, particularly through the expressions on their faces. Choose a character such as Sofia's mother or Janice and write a paragraph that expresses what they are thinking during one of the scenes in this episode.
Reflection and critical thinking

- Why do you think Nadia Wheatley and the creators of the television series might have chosen to depict Sofia differently in the book and the show? What could be the reasons behind these creative decisions?
- If you could combine elements from both the book and the television episode to create your own version of Sofia, what would you include and why? What aspects from each version would you highlight?
- Both the book and the film of My Place touch on the serious topic of the Vietnam War and the role of conscription. You can find out more about conscription in the BTN episode (below). Compare the similarities and differences in the way that the book and the TV episode portray this topic.
ACTF resources
My Place series is available to purchase through the Australian Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF).
My Place for Teachers website presents rich educational material to support primary and lower-secondary teachers using the My Place TV series in the classroom.