medieval hero total war hero image

Teaching with videogames: medieval weapons and Medieval II Total War

Students will study medieval weapons and their applications.

They will think about different battle strategies used at the time and use this research to design their own game to show the different tactics and uses of medieval weaponry.

Year levels: 7 & 8

Subject areas: History / humanities

Suggested duration: 1-2 lessons

Technology required:

  • ability to watch streamed videos on YouTube of Total War (no purchases required)

Download the full lesson plan

The lesson plan includes links to the Victorian Curriculum, indications of lesson timing, and ideas for differentiation and assessment.

Medieval total war purple blue
medieval total war map view
medieval ii total war green and red.jpg
medieval total war weapons

In this lesson, students will

1.Watch medieval battles on videogames including Medieval II: Total War, and assess them for historical accuracy
2.Create a game that tests medieval weaponry - think about what makes a good battle game
3.Design and play own games
4.Optionally, use FlowLab to create games

By the end of this lesson, students should

medieval weapons, their uses and defence techniques
be able to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of medieval war strategy
ability to analyse and strategise applications of medieval weapons and defense techniques within battle strategy typical of their time period

Authorial credit

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this lesson plan which was created by Dean Ashton, Emma McManus and ACMI and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.