The Gardens Between image
The Gardens Between

Teaching with videogames: illuminate character & setting with The Gardens Between

Immerse yourself and respond to a time-bending story that uses the nostalgia of everyday objects to relive the moments of a childhood friendship.

Year levels: 8-10

Subject areas: Media Studies, English

Technology involved: iPad, Mac/Windows, Switch, Xbox. Licences range between $5-$29.95. For this lesson we use a single licence for the whole class.

Download the full lesson plan

The lesson plan includes links to the Australian Curriculum, indications of lesson timing and assessment ideas.

In this lesson, students will play in pairs or collaboratively and reflect upon this contemplative style of game and how friendship and memories are represented by everyday objects.


By the end of this lesson, students should

About different methods of storytelling and narrative style
That videogames can be contemplative rather than focussed on winning
About character and setting in videogames and how they influence themes
be able to
Relate and connect universal human experiences to familiar objects
Reflect on personal connection with objects and how the represent memories
Pick up storytelling clues and formulate narrative based on observation
Imaginative and observation skills
Ability to fill the narrative gaps with their own ideas
Lateral thinking and problem solving

Authorial credit

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this lesson plan which was created by Kate Ficai and Garry Westmore and ACMI and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.