Twine outline

Teaching with Videogames: Creative writing using Twine

Capture even the least engaged students with the user-friendly Twine software and interactive fiction, then watch them produce a successful playable narrative on any topic of their choosing.

Year levels: 9-10

Subject areas: English

Suggested duration: 4-5 week Unit (50 min lessons)

Technology required:

  • individual devices with Twine (download or browser)

Download the full lesson plan

The lesson plan includes links to the Australian Curriculum, indications of lesson timing, and ideas for differentiation and assessment.

In this lesson, students will

1.engage with free-to-access playable interactive fiction texts. They deeply explore the features and context of interactive fiction (IF), developing their knowledge of core concepts
2.explore second person narrative perspective which is an important feature of this text type.
3.plan, develop, build and review their own playable interactive fictions using opensource Twine software.

By the end of this lesson, students should

the features and context of interactive fiction (IF)
the role of the player as audience and how language can be structured and manipulated to achieve specific effects
the impact of language, devices, features and structure on core concepts of ambiguity, [player] complicity, and word/concept building through the expert use of prose
the use of second person narrative perspective
be able to
engage with a range of free-to-access playable interactive fiction texts
explore, discuss and evaluate the features of these texts and the genre
plan, develop, build and review their own playable interactive fictions using opensource Twine software
skills in providing others structured feedback
improve work based on feedback

Authorial credit

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this lesson plan which was created by

Claire Mincham-Trowbridge and ACMI and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.