Film it: the filmmakers toolkit
So you want to make a film? We're here to help.
Whether it’s your first time making a short film, or you've made films in the past, Film It is here to help make the process as easy and as fun as possible.
Film It is an online resource covering a range of filmmaking skills found in pre-production, production and post-production stages.
This resource is aimed at students with a range of knowledge, from those who have done little or no filmmaking, to those with some experience.
Through the lessons and activities you'll experience a range of filmmaking skills and roles.
Video, imagery and other materials used have been used in this resource under fair dealing for criticism and review. You can find our terms of use here.
Recommended for Year levels: 4-10
Learning areas: Drama, English, Media, Media Arts, Digital Technologies, Music
Capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social

Exploring camera angles
Give your film some flavour by making considered choices about camera angles

Visual effects
Discover simple tricks like disappearing and transforming, and an easy way to make a movie ghost!