Screen It cinema students

Social story | film programs

This social story is a guide to for schools visiting ACMI to watch and study a film, and will assist students in becoming familiar and comfortable with ACMI before their visit.

In this social story, students are addressed as individuals using 'I'.

Arriving at ACMI

ACMI is a museum - a museum all about movies, TV shows, and videogames.

ACMI is in Melbourne, in Federation Square. ACMI has two entrances, with big ACMI signs at both.

This is the Flinders Street entrance.

ACMI exterior building - day

This is the Federation Square entrance

Fed Square Entrance - ACMI - Shannon McGrath

If I come to ACMI by bus, I'll be dropped off around the corner from ACMI with my classmates and teachers.

If I am coming by train I will get off at Flinders Street Station with my classmates and teachers. It is across the road from Federation Square and ACMI.

If I'm coming by tram with my classmates and teachers, there are a number of tram stops really close to ACMI as well.

My teachers will know the plan and which entrance to go to to start our day at ACMI.

A staff member from ACMI will meet us outside, and then bring me and my classmates into the building.

I'm visiting ACMI to watch a film with my classmates and teachers.

Getting around

If I require wheelchair access, the best entrance is the Flinders Street entrance as it has a ramp. The Flinders Street entrance will bring me into the Ground level of ACMI.

Side view of ramp leading to Flinders Street entrance of SOMI

Inside ACMI, there are two lifts to get from Ground Level to Level 1, as well as a lift that goes to Ground Level, to Level 1 and Level 2.

The Cinemas are on Level 2.

Level 1 lifts at ACMI

ACMI's cinemas are wheelchair friendly, with reserved areas at the front and back of both cinemas. The ACMI Teacher will talk to me and my teacher to make sure I'm not separated from my classmates if I'm using these areas reserved for wheelchairs.

There are large stairs connecting Ground Level and Level 1

Lightwell at ACMI

There are also stairs connecting Level 1 with Level 2.

Fed Square entrance at ACMI with stairs to cinema level

There are toilets on the Ground Level and Level 1, including accessible toilets.

Ground Floor bathrooms at ACMI

There will be times when me and my classmates may need to stop and wait as we move around ACMI.

Often there will be places to sit whilst I wait, but visitors can't sit on the floor, and I should not block hallways and pathways.

Visiting the cinema

An ACMI Teacher will meet me, my classmates and teachers outside the Flinders Street entrance, which is on Level 1.

The cinemas are up the stairs on Level 2, but the ACMI teachers and my teachers will show us where the toilets are on this level if I need to use them first.

There is also a lift nearby that can take us up to Level 2.

Fed Square entrance at ACMI with stairs to cinema level

At the top of the stairs and elevator exit, there will be an ACMI staff member to show us into the cinema. Their job is called 'Usher'.

They will recommend the best place to sit so we get the best viewing experience.

Entrance to Cinema 1 at ACMI with Visitor Experience Guide
Cinema 1 ACMI

Once we are all seated and comfortable, an ACMI Teacher will introduce the film we are about to watch, and tell us more about it.

The ACMI Teacher might ask us some questions, and I will put my hand up if I would like to answer.

Classroom hands up 2160 x 1023

After the introduction from the ACMI Teacher, the lights will go down so I can see the movie clearly, but the ACMI staff member (the Usher) who showed me into the cinema will be present during the film and has a torch in case I need to leave the cinema.

I will seek out a teacher first if I need to exit the cinema for any reason.

After our film finishes, ACMI staff will ask our teachers to let us know what's next for our visit.

It will probably be time for lunch by the time the film finishes.

If the weather is nice, me and my classmates can go down one level to Level 1, and head outside into Federation Square to eat.

I will be mindful of seagulls - they won't hurt me, but they will be very interested in my food. I won't feed them.

If the weather is not nice and there's time for lunch before we leave, the ACMI Teacher will talk to my teacher about a good place that's undercover and close by where we can eat instead.

I can say thank you and goodbye to ACMI staff as I leave if I like.

Visitor Experience Guide outside the ACMI Shop

If my teachers have booked me and my classmates in to visit the exhibition after our movie, I can read about that visit here.