Schools & Teachers

Education visit planning

Plan a successful visit to ACMI for an Education program

Here you'll find all the information you need to plan a successful visit to an exhibition or engage with an ACMI Education program.

This information is primarily for teachers to access after booking a program, but might prove helpful to those planning on booking.

To find out more about Education programs at ACMI, head here.

Did you know Public Transport Victoria offer free travel for student groups? Find out more here.

Information for booked groups

Two images of The Story of the Moving Image exhibition side by side. The one on the left is of a child reaching for a video game controller placed on a wall of controllers and the one on the right of a Child peering into a miniature TV diorama.

School exhibition visit information

Booked an exhibition visit? Find arrival information for your group, and access relevant documents including child safe policy and certificate of currency.

ACMI School Exhibition Visit Information
Teacher working with three student in a classroom. 
The students are making an animation using Lego.

School workshop, film and talk excursion information

Booked a workshop, film or talk? Find arrival information for your group, and access relevant documents including child safe policy and certificate of currency.

ACMI School Workshop, Film, and Talk Excursion Information

Social stories

All social stories are written in the first person using 'I' but can be used for groups of students, as well as individuals.

School students peer through coloured glass window into The Story of the Moving Image exhibition

Exhibition visit | social story

Social story for an excursion to see ACMI's The Story of the Moving Image exhibition.

If booked for a talk or workshop program that involves a visit to this exhibition, please go to the 'talk' or the 'GDFL1' or 'GDFL2' social story.

Social story | The Story of the Moving Image exhibition
Elsternwick PS students check out the green screen

GDFL1 workshop | social story

Social story for schools booked for Fairytales, A Wonderful Adventure, Top Down Animation, Kids News and Projection Art.

Also includes exhibition visit information for The Story of the Moving Image.

Social story | GDFL1 workshops
School Group - Light and shadow workshop

GDFL2 workshop | social story

Social story for schools booked for Junior Coders, Light and Shadow, Stop Motion Startup, Platformer Game Jam, Advanced Animation, Mockumentary Filmmaking, and Film It.

Also includes exhibition visit information for The Story of the Moving Image (for 56 student capacity workshops).

Social story | GDFL2 workshop
Screen It cinema students

Film program | social story

Social story for schools visiting for a film program in ACMI's cinemas.

Social story | film programs
Students wearing school uniform sit in rows watching film with great concentration

Talk program | social story

Social story for schools visiting for a talk program at ACMI. Includes exhibition visit information, as talk programs involve a visit to The Story of the Moving Image.

Social story | talks

Contact us

T: (03) 8663 2583

Follow ACMI Education on social media