Cropped - Ayoung Kim
Photographed by: Kanghyuk Lee (snakepool) –

Ayoung Kim
(b.1979, lives and works in Seoul, S. Korea)

In her multifaceted practice, Ayoung Kim synthesises the outcome of far-reaching speculation, establishing connections between biopolitics and border control, the memory of stone and virtual memory, ancestral origins and imminent futures. These narratives take the forms of video, moving image, VR, sonic fiction, game simulation, diagram and text, and are exposed as exhibitions, performances and publications.

Kim idiosyncratically synthesises geopolitics, mythology, technology, and futuristic iconography, and retroactively collects the speculative time to infiltrate the present. Her interest in synthesis, hybridisation, and the coexistence of heterogeneous time led to an interest In all kinds of intersections, transfers, transpositions, and interchanges of time, space, structure, and syntax. The speculative fictional world of Ayoung Kim is a pathway for the artist to re-recognise reality, reveal critical thoughts, and imagine a futuristic vision. It is not a fictional narrative that fictionalises a utopian or dystopian future but reconstructs the meaning of history and reality within the domain of archaeology, ancient mythology, the real world, and digital technology, and simultaneously reimagines the possibilities of the future.

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Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.