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George Jackson


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George Jackson (January 6, 1958 – February 10, 2000) was a film director and producer. Jackson was born and raised in Harlem, New York and graduated from Fordham Preparatory School and Harvard College. He worked with Doug McHenry as co-producer on such projects as Krush Groove, Jason's Lyric, New Jack City, and Body Count in which he made a cameo appearance as a ticket clerk. Jackson was co-director of the second installment of the House Party series. Subsequently he was President of Motown Records and founded an internet-based media company, Urban Box Office, with Adam Kidron and Frank Cooper.Jackson died of a stroke in 2000. The George Jackson Academy in New York City was founded in his memory.

Source: Wikidata , September 2023

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6 Jan 1958
10 Feb 2000 (aged 42)
Production Places
United States of America

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