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Marc Gracie

Co-Producer, Director

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Marc Gracie is an Australian writer, producer and director of films and television, best known for his work in the comedy field.In 2009 he won the 2009 Melbourne Underground Film Festival Best Director award for The Tumbler. He directed the original Wogs Out of Work stage production.

Blowing Hot and Cold (1988) - director

Jigsaw (1990) - director, writer

A Kink in the Picasso (1990) - director

A Slow Night at the Kuwaiti Cafe (1992) - director, writer

Crimetime (1993) - director

Full Frontal (1994) (TV series) - director, writer

Jimeoin (1994) (TV series) - associate producer, director

Eat My Shorts (1995) (TV series) - producer

The Adventures of Lano & Woodley (1997)(TV producer) - producer

Totally Full Frontal (1998-99) (TV series) - executive producer, director, writer

The Craic (1999) - producer

Sit Down, Shut Up (2001) (TV series) - producer, director

Jimeoin's Teatowel Tours: Northern Ireland (2001) (documentary) - producer, director

Shock Jock (2001-02) (TV series) - producer, director

Take Away (2003) - producer, director

You and Your Stupid Mate (2005) - producer, director

The Tumbler (2008) - producer, director, story

This is Your Laugh (2008) (TV series) - producer

With Tim Ferguson (2010) (TV series) - producer, director

Spin Out (2016) - producer, co-director

Source: Wikidata , May 2022

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Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.