![Britt Romstad - Phoebe Powell - Who We Are Britt Romstad - Phoebe Powell - Who We Are](https://acmi-website-media-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/media/images/Britt_Romstad_-_Phoebe_Powell_-_Who_We_Are.width-1431.jpg)
Executive Director Experience & Engagement
ACMI Director of Experience and Engagement, Dr Britt Romstad, holds a PhD in Cinema Studies from the University of Melbourne. Her thesis, Traces of Torture: Women, Murder and Representation, explores the discursive production of female violence – with particular interest in systems of visual representation - as a cultural practice structured by power and a desire for punishment. For the past 20 years, Britt has led large teams in the delivery of excellent and innovative experiences for museum visitors. An experienced leader and communicator, Britt has embedded an audience-led approach to training, service design and strategy at ACMI, and championed data-informed decision-making.