Sustainability Initiatives
We adopt practical greener alternatives throughout our organisation and actively promote responsible environmental management among our staff, volunteers, stakeholders, partners, clients and suppliers.

We’re proud of these Sustainability initiatives:
Resources & operations
- From 1 July 2020, we have committed to 100% green electricity for the term of our next two-year energy contract. We are also working with our landlord Fed Square on future options to participate in a Power Purchase Agreement, whereby a consortium of participating organisations fund the establishment and ongoing operation of a renewable energy facility such as a solar or wind farm.
- As part of the renewal project, the retail team has created a range of consumables focused on reducing, reusing and recycling. The range has switched single-use plastics for sustainable options and we are actively seeking sustainable merchandise from local suppliers ensuring they remove single-use plastics from their products. When we reopen our café operation we will eliminate single use plastic.
- The Collections team deaccessioned 5,800 redundant videotapes during the second half of the 19-20 financial year, freeing up 200 lineal metres of storage for recent acquisitions. Crucially, all components including tapes, paper sleeve and plastic cases were separated for recycling.
- We endeavour to source environmentally sustainable materials for use in our exhibition displays. Where exhibition display materials cannot be re-purposed for future use they are recycled, donated to community and regional galleries around Victoria via the Museum Accreditation Program, or otherwise disposed of responsibly. We re-use a modular wall system to reduce waste during exhibition changeovers and minimise environmental damage by using low-VOC paints, low emission MDF etc.
- We track our environmental impact including electricity, paper, waste and gas and benchmark against KPIs for reduced usage
- As we review long-term storage options we continue to seek the most environmentally responsible solutions where practical
- We use 100% recycled office paper, printing is automatically set to double-sided, and we recycle ink and toner cartridges
- Food and organic waste recycling exist within our office spaces and as part of our on-site café operation with waste product fed into Fed Square’s biogas plant
- We’ve introduced a rainwater supply to flushable public toilets at our Fed Square site
- We make a concerted effort to responsibly dispose of non-landfill resources.
- Powered technology in our exhibition spaces is programmed for automatic shut down
- Virtualisation Technology is used extensively to reduce the number of physical servers required
- All office computer replacements are at least Energy Star 5.0 Compliant with 90% efficiency power supplies
- Computers and mobile phones are recycled
- We reduce road and air couriering of digital assets by using a secure file transfer system to move very large digital files locally and across the world
- We reduce paper and courier transport by sharing Board and Audit Committee documentation using a specialised digital meeting support system
- We utilise rechargeable options and donate equipment rather than dispose whenever possible
- We’re energy conscious when selecting what hardware to use.
Programming & people
- We collaborate with Fed Square as part of the Greener Building Program
- We produce Education programs that engage with and promote environmental sustainability
- As part of our renewal project, we engaged contractors who endeavour to recycle as much electrical and non-landfill appropriate materials as possible
- We have previously supported the Sustainable Living Festival
- We partner with the Environmental Film Festival Australia.

Reconciliation Action Plan
Our steps to building positive and reciprocal relationships with First Peoples.

Disability Action Plan
Find out how we are removing the barriers that prevent people with disability from enjoying our space.